
Showing posts from 2017

5 Factors for Successful Market Research

1. Methodology  Developing an accurate methodology is key to the success of any market research effort. Establishing a successful methodology depends on a number of factors including but not limited to data collection, improving response rates, and eliminating privacy and security issues.  Data Collection is vital to having a successful market research department. Whether it be for small or large businesses data collection is critical to measuring and analyzing traffic, lead generation, and conversions. Data collection includes data that comes from social media insights and large surveys. The main challenge with data collection is narrowing down the information that is useful and using that to make the most accurate return on investment (ROI) estimate. One of the first steps to tracking useful data is having your insights from all your websites in one place. Using dashboard tools such as Cyfe could help keep all of a businesses information in one place. The next m

How Market Research Changed the Film Industry

How the film industry uses market research Companies in the film industry like most industries use market research to find market information, market segmentation, market trends, and to conduct SWOT analysis. The film industry utilizes market research to research consumer behavior, perform accurate forecasts, and to study competitors. However, this industry is also unique in many ways. Film companies use market research for concept testing and focus groups to understand consumer behavior and to research viewers' opinions. They use test screenings for previews before the final release of a movie to theaters. They then track studies by running polls via email or other digital methods. Lastly, film companies have exit surveys to measure audience reactions to the film. These companies complete so much market research because they want to ensure their chances of being financially successful. How film's take advanta

How Market Research Changed Sports

Why professional sports teams use market research The top professional sports teams are using market research for a variety of reasons ranging from putting together teams to helping it's marketing teams sell merchandise. The best professional sports teams analyze player and team statistics to find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Sports teams have become multi-million dollar sometimes multi-billion dollar companies. Similar to large companies in other industries sports teams also utilize large data sets through quantitative and qualitative analysis to help determine the best options for their business. This often includes finding player talent and structuring player contracts that provide value for the business. However, sports teams might spend most of their efforts on sports marketing. Sports marketing teams are becoming smarter When an average person thinks of sports teams they often think of exciting, athletic, and sometimes beautiful sports games. H

Ryan Learns Market Research: A Market Research Crash Course from Degreed

What is Market Research The definition for Market Research,  "is the gathering of information regarding market need, market size, and competition," to simply put it having more information about your market and competition could lead to better business decisions. Learning more about a given industry helps businesses learn more about potential problems. it also gives businesses a chance to create a better business pitch and therefore secure more funding from investors. In this video Ryan learns that Market Research is a huge industry that helps businesses avoid problems while also giving insights to potential business opportunities. As Ryan highlights in the Degreed video, Statista estimates that market research was a 44 billion dollar industry in 2015 alone. Ibis world estimates that about 20 billion dollars from the industry is due to the United States. When I was working with Texas Monthly I had the opportunity to use Nielsen to gather data,


About Hi, I'm Julian. I'm a Digital Media Management student who has a passion for helping businesses better understand potential areas for growth. With this blog, I will focus on how market research can help all types of businesses including both for-profit and non-profit. I have completed market research for companies such as Texas Monthly and WellsFargo Advisors. My previous work and college experiences have given me skills and have provided me with a better understanding of business markets. Thanks to my influential mentors, I've been able to learn and grow in ways that will allow me to contribute immediately to any business. I hope to inspire businesses to complete more stringent market research - so they can reach their business goals and help the communities around them. My Market Research Philosophy. Businesses in all fields are analyzing market research more than ever to discover and further strengthen existing growth strategies. With more data ava