
Showing posts from April, 2017

5 Factors for Successful Market Research

1. Methodology  Developing an accurate methodology is key to the success of any market research effort. Establishing a successful methodology depends on a number of factors including but not limited to data collection, improving response rates, and eliminating privacy and security issues.  Data Collection is vital to having a successful market research department. Whether it be for small or large businesses data collection is critical to measuring and analyzing traffic, lead generation, and conversions. Data collection includes data that comes from social media insights and large surveys. The main challenge with data collection is narrowing down the information that is useful and using that to make the most accurate return on investment (ROI) estimate. One of the first steps to tracking useful data is having your insights from all your websites in one place. Using dashboard tools such as Cyfe could help keep all of a businesses information in one place. The next m